Botox & Jeuveau
The glabella
Injections in the glabellar region are directed at the vertical lines between the brows also known as the "11" lines. These lines, can make you look angry and stressed. Most individuals achieve significant long lasting weakness in the muscles by regularly treating with injections every 3 to 4 months.
The forehead
Focused on diminishing the horizontal forehead lines created when you raise your brows. These lines make you look stressed and tired. Treatment can softened the appearance of these lines and make you look more relaxed and well rested.
The eyes
Injections to the outer eye area is aimed at minimizing the “crow’s feet”, or smile lines extending from the outer corner of the eye that deepen with smiling. Many are self conscious of looking tired and old when they smile. Advanced injection techniques can also be used to create a brow lift.
The mouth
Injections to the upper lip soften “smokers lines”. Advanced injection techniques can correct a “gummy smile” and create a “lip pop” for those who desire a more pouty look. Treatment to the DOAs (the corners of the mouth) can correct a down-turned lip and significantly improve movement in the marionettes.
The jawline
Treatment in the masseter muscle results in jawline slimming over time, correcting a squared jawline. Treatment also helps reduce teeth grinding and clenching from TMJ.
The neck
Treatment along the vertical neck bands (called platysmal bands) can help the bands to smooth, softening the appearances of the neck.
The underarms
While most treatments are aimed at diminishing wrinkles, injections to the axilla are used to treat severe underarm sweating (severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis.
Pricing upon consultation